
Servo Clock |


This is a prototype for a much larger clock I have plans for. It keeps perfect time and is quit simple. All it is is 12 hours mapped to 180 degrees of servo motion (for the demo it was mapped to one minute obviously.)

Gear Clock


This is a gear clock I made from a large CNC cut wooden gear I had laying around from another project. I used a servo motor as an actuator and the DS3231 real time clock to keep perfect time. With 42 teeth and three discrete movements I am able to achieve an accuracy of 2 minutes.

This is an automated treat dispenser I made for my cat, Pippa. When then button is pressed, a servo will actuate and release roughly two treats. This was a very simple project only requiring one servo taped to a paintball hopper and a pushbutton. I did run into issues with jamming because the orifice on the hopper was rather small....

 I <3 U


This is a fun little project I made for my ex-girlfriend, its very simple, just a switch and a servo. The switch is actually hard wired to the LEDs.

The LED Binary counter was a fun one day project. The resistors are all 220 and the code is below:

I started with one of my salvaged microwave transformers. (I have been studying electrical theory for four years in high school and college. Do not try this at home.) I removed the secondary coil which has 100s more turns than the primary (the turn ratio is what determines the output voltage). Unmodified, the turn ratio is about 1 : 20,...

This project is made from 100% recycled parts. It runs off an Arduino Uno (micro controller) and it's also informative. It runs on three modes. The first is quite easy for anyone. If you can win on the hard difficulty, you have far above average reflexes. When you enter God mode, if the booster was armed and attached, it...

This setup can make some beautiful art, but it is also deadly. I was well aware of the risks heading into this project and I took extensive safety measures, do not attempt. When a salty solution is painted over the wood, the electricity has a lower resistance path and is free to gouge that path into the wood as...

What you're seeing is around 60,000 volts of electricity. (I have been studying electrical theory for four years in high school and college. Do not try this at home.) I started with a three-volt battery, I fed this into a booster module which outputs around 10kV. Then I used a flyback transformer out of an old cathode ray TV to...

Jacob's Ladder


This is called a Jacob's Ladder because the arc rises to the heavens as Jacob did. The chicken stick I'm using creates an arc between the two copper wires. The heat from this arc is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, since hot air rises, the arc is lifted up. I used a recycled microwave transformer to get the 2200 volts required...

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